How to reduce Page Load time?

Apart from server performance monitoring and optimization, nowadays clients also want to know how will the application or website perform at the browser level when it goes live i.e. how would be the end-user experience on their website. In today's article, the author mentioned the steps to reduce the server response time first byte. Here, he is not talking about the server response time but he is pointing to Page Load Time at the browser end. He described some good points to reduce the page loading time in the browser and also given detailed information on 9 different page load speed checking tools which help to identify the client-side issues. These issues may restrict the application to load quickly in the browser and fade-up the end-users. The mentioned tools in the article also elaborate on why and which components are the culprit for the slowness of page-loading.
This article could be helpful if you are involved in Performance Engineering work. Because performance improvement is not a task to just improve the performance at the server level, but it is an overall performance optimization which is applied on all three levels i.e. client, server and network.
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