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Monday, 28 November 2016

Transaction per second (TPS) Calculator

PerfMatrix Site Link:

You can calculate Transactions per second (TPS) by providing available inputs. Kindly use 0 (zero) in the respective fields in case of no pacing or think time.

Calculate IPS (Iterations per second) and TPS (Transactions per second):

End 2 End Response Time (in seconds)* = 
Pacing (in seconds)^ = 
Total Think Time (in seconds)~ = 
No.of VUsers (Threads)# = 

 Iterations per second (IPS) = 

No. of Transactions in 1 iteration = 

 Transactions per second (TPS) = 

 Transactions per hour(TPH) = 


* Time to complete 1 iteration

^ Dealy between two iterations

Total think time is the sum of all the think time used in the script

# User Load

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  1. Replies
    1. The formula base is:
      TPS = No. of Users / (End to End response time + Think Time + Pacing)

  2. Hi Gagan,

    In your above calculation, you get Number of transactions in script & multiply it think time per request (sec). As total think time in a script will be (total transactions - 1)* Average think time, but above calculations are based on the formula : "Total transactions * Average Think Time".

    "Think time per request (sec)" field is bit confusing, instead you can change the text as "Average think time (in seconds)".

    1. Thanks a lot!!

      Suggestion accepted and corrected the formula in fourth section.

  3. Hi Gagan,
    How to calculate iteration per seconds. I got a new application and there is no NFRs. So Base formula will not work as I do not have those details. No. of Vusers = (response time+think time+ pacing)*TPS - this formula will not help in my case. Please suggest.

    1. The statement "there is no NFRs" is always a problem for a performance tester.

      Without having any aim you can not fire the bullet in the air. Although the application is new, there should be some expected (predicted) NFR like

      1. The application should support 100 users
      2. The response time of the pages do not go beyond 5 seconds etc.

      If you need further support please get in touch with me through WhatsApp or email.

  4. Hi malviya, Could you share your Whatsup or contact number pls,have some doubts required your assistance from you

    1. Please find my contact details in "Home" page or "Feedback" page.
