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Tuesday 11 July 2017

LoadRunner - Interview Question #11

Q. 51 What are the four selection methods when choosing data from a data file?
Ans: Following are the four selection methods:
a. Sequential
b. Random
c. Unique
d. Parameter name
Learn more about all the parameter selection methods here 

Q. 52 How can you verify the substituted value of the parameter? 
Ans: The substituted value can be confirmed by enabling the Extended Log option in the Runtime Setting (Logs tab) and checked the option "Parameter substitution".

Q. 53 How many graphs you can monitor using Controller or Performance Center Test execution window at a time? What is the maximum number of them?
Ans: One, two, four and eight graphs can be seen at a time. The maximum number of graphs can be monitored at a time is 8.

Q. 54 An application under test having a functionality to accept and reject the requested order. The order summary page shows the customer name and order status. Corresponding to name of each customer it is mentioned whether his order gets "Accepted" or "Rejected". How will you identify the number of Accepted and Rejected orders through VuGen script?
Ans: For this scenario, two text checks are used on that web page with the text “Accepted" and “Rejected”. Through the function web_reg_find, we can capture the number of texts found on the web page and count with the help of “SaveCount”. SaveCount stored the number of matches found.

Q. 55 Can you write the function for the above scenario?
Ans: Given statements should be written above the summary page code:
web_reg_find("Text=Accepted", "SaveCount=acceptOrder", LAST);
 web_reg_find("Text=Rejected", "SaveCount=rejectOrder", LAST);

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